Type alias for Ethereum address.
Type alias for bytes string.
web3.js untyped instance created with a resolved or given in ctor provider, if any.
Ethereumjs-util package.
Utf8 package.
Web3 providers.
Hex zero address.
Returns a list of accounts the node controlst
Returns the current block number
Current Web3 provider.
Default account for sending transactions without explicit txParams.
Default account for sending transactions without explicit txParams.
True if current web3 provider is from MetaMask.
True if current web3.js version is 0.20.x.
True if current node name contains TestRPC string
Returns the time of the last mined block in seconds.
Get network ID.
Web3.js version API
Default W3 instance that is used as a fallback when such an instance is not provided to a constructor.
You must set it explicitly via W3.default setter. Use an empty new W3()
constructor to get an instance that
automatically resolves to a global web3 instance window['web3']
provided by e.g. MIST/Metamask or connects
to the default 8545 port if no global instance is present.
Set default W3 instance.
Sign using eth.sign but with prefix as personal_sign
Converts a number or number string to its HEX representation.
Get account balance
Get the numbers of transactions sent from this address.
The address to get the numbers of transactions from.
(optional) If you pass this parameter it will not use the default block set with.
Send raw JSON RPC request to the current provider.
Sends a raw signed transaction and returns tx hash. Use waitTransactionReceipt method on w3 or a contract to get a tx receipt.
Target contract address or zero address (W3.zeroAddress) to deploy a new contract.
Private key hex string prefixed with 0x.
Payload data.
Tx parameters.
Nonce override if needed to replace a pending transaction.
Set web3 provider and update network info asynchronously.
Sign a message
Message already as hex
Convert number or hex string to BigNumber
Async unlock while web3.js only has sync version. This function uses personal_unlockAccount
RPC message that is not available in some web3 providers.
Returns the receipt of a transaction by transaction hash. Retries for up to 240 seconds.
The transaction hash.
Timeout in seconds, must be above 240 or ignored.
ECDSA public key recovery from signature.
Get Keythereum instance. https://github.com/ethereumjs/keythereum
Get Global W3 incrementing counter. Starts with zero.
Check if Ethereum address is in valid format.
String left pad. Same as the notorious left-pad package as a single function.
Creates SHA256 hash of the input.
Creates SHA-3 hash of the input.
ECDSA sign.
Convert value to hex with optional left padding. If a string is already a hex it will be converted to lower case.
Value to convert to hex
Size of number in bits (8 for int8, 16 for uint16, etc)
Utf8 to hex convertor.
Strongly-types wrapper over web3.js with additional helper methods.